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Revision history for Firefox extension CustomizeGoogle
2006-11-17 v0.55
Added : Songbird support: www.songbirdnest.com
Added : Locale be-BY - thanks to DRKA
Added : Locale ko-KR - thanks to kita
Added : Change the color of a filtered URL*
Added : The CG Gmail options now also works with "Google Apps for your domain"
Update: Filtered URLs are now visible and clickable.
Update: Locale es-ES - thanks to chuzo
Update: Locale ca-AD - thanks to xavivars
Update: Locale it-IT - thanks to Pedro
Update: Locale hr-HR - thanks to Krcko
Update: Locale fr-FR - thanks to SonnyT
Update: Locale es-ES - thanks to chuzo
Update: Locale nl-NL - thanks to BudsieBuds
Update: Locale ja-JP - thanks to Norah
Update: Locale pt-PT - thanks to lloco
Update: Locale de-DE - thanks to Erweiterungen.de
Update: Some CG functionality in Web Search became broken when Google made an update
Update: Removing ads also removes the Google Toolbar ad in Web Search
Bugfix: Anonymizing Google UID caused a bug in Google AdSense interface
* Using the preference "extensions.customizegoogle.misc.filtercolor" in about:config you can control
the color of a filtered URL. If it's not there, you'll have to add it. The default color is grey ("#aaaaaa").
This way you can make it dissapear ("#ffffff") or stand out ("#ff8000").
2006-10-18 v0.54
Bugfix: Option to secure Docs & Spreadsheets is now working
Bugfix: CustomizeGoogle options layout should now work with all locales
Update: Locale fi-FI - thanks to Masterchief91
Update: Locale nl-NL - thanks to BudsieBuds
Update: Locale el-GR - thanks to Sonickydon
2006-10-17 v0.53
Added : Secure Docs & Spreadsheets (use https)
Added : Hide the Quick Contacts box in Gmail
Added : Hide the invite box in Gmail
Bugfix: Anonymizing Google ID doesn't break the preferences
Bugfix: Removing ads in Google Maps now removes _all_ ads
Update: Locale it-IT - thanks to Pedro
Update: Locale ja-JP - thanks to Norah
Update: Locale fr-FR - thanks to SonnyT
Update: Locale nl-NL - thanks to BudsieBuds
Update: Locale pt-PT - thanks to lloco
Update: Locale tr-TR - thanks to ersenyoldac
2006-09-27 v0.52
Update: Compatibility with Firefox 2
Update: Changed the CustomizeGoogle options interface
Update: Locale fi-FI - thanks to Masterchief91
Update: Locale ca-AD - thanks to xavivars
Update: Locale uk-UA - thanks to Sergey Khoruzhin
Update: Filtered URLs are now replaced by a describing text
Update: 'Remove click tracking' is now unchecked as default
Bugfix: Fixed small error within certain weather searches in Google Web Search
2006-09-08 v0.51
Update: Locale nl-NL - thanks to BudsieBuds
Update: Locale fr-FR - thanks to DayWalker
Update: Restored links to other search engines in Google Web Search and Google Images
2006-08-25 v0.50
Update: Locale bg-BG - thanks to Hawksthorne
Update: Locale de-DE - thanks to erweiterungen.de
Update: Locale sq-AL - thanks to Besmir Godole
Update: Locale th-TH - thanks to Qen
Update: Locale lt-LT - thanks to garas
Update: Locale ru-RU - thanks to wiselord
Update: Locale nl-NL - thanks to BudsieBuds
Update: Fixed font option now also applies when composing mail - thanks to Osvaldo Santana Neto
Update: Restored links to other search engines in Google Web Search and Google Images
Update: Restore right click in Google Book Search
Added : Bookmark service ma.gnolia.com
Added : Locale fa-IR - thanks to Pedram Veisi
Added : Locale ar-SA - thanks to Miga
Added : Locale uk-UA - thanks to MozUA
2006-06-13 v0.49
Added : Locale pt-PT - thanks to dmmj
Added : Locale hu-HU - thanks to codemonkey
Added : Locale bg-BG - thanks to arris and Hawksthorne
Added : Locale sq-AL - thanks to Besmir Godole
Added : Locale th-TH - thanks to Qen
Added : Locale hr-HR - thanks to krcko
Added : Locale el-GR - thanks to Sonickydon
Update: Locale tr-TR - thanks to ersenyoldac
Update: Locale jp-JP - thanks to Norah
Update: Locale es-ES - thanks to chuzo
Update: Locale pt-BR - thanks to peguca
Update: Locale ca-AD - thanks to xavivars
Update: Locale lt-LT - thanks to Jonas
Update: Locale fi-FI - thanks to Masterchief91
Update: Firefox maxVersion set to 2.0 (compatible with Bon Echo)
Update: Search engine Teoma was removed
2006-05-08 v0.48
Bugfix: Fixed font option for Gmail was on by default. Now it's off by default.
Bugfix: Fixed URL to add a bookmark to Google Bookmarks
Update: Google changed the name of its local search and mapping site to Google Maps from Google Local.
Update: Locale it-IT - thanks to Pedro
Update: Locale es-ES - thanks to chuzo
Update: Locale pt-BR - thanks to peguca
Update: Locale fr-FR - thanks to Julien PrangΦre
2006-04-20 v0.47
Update: Automatically securing the Google Personalized page didn't work. Google didn't support it.
Update: Locale de-DE - thanks to ReinekeFux
2006-04-19 v0.46
Update: CustomizeGoogle cs-CZ was updated with new URLs.
Update: Code to remove Gmail ads
Update: Code to remove Google Local ads
Added : It's possible to access Gmail from the Google Personalized homepage (google.com/ig).
Therefore the option to secure Gmail now also forces the Google Personalized page to be secure.
Added : Option to secure Google Calendar
Added : Option to hide the Gmail spam counter
Added : Option to use a fixed font for Gmail mail bodies
2006-03-27 v0.45
Update: "Ask Jeeves" changed name to "Ask"
Update: Links other search engines (Ask, Yahoo, etc) now also works when using international characters
Update: Shopping sites were updated in CustomizeGoogle en-GB
Update: Remove ads from Froogle is now working again
Update: Google was added as a bookmark option (together with del.icio.us, digg, etc)
Added : Also removes hosted Gmail ads (mail.google.com/hosted)
Update: Locale de-DE - thanks to ReinekeFux
Update: Locale es-ES - thanks to chuzo
Update: Locale pt-BR - thanks to Rodrigo Bergmann Laurindo
Update: Locale lt-LT - thanks to garas
Update: Locale cs-CZ - thanks to Tomas Marek
Update: Locale it-IT - thanks to Pedro
Update: Locale ca-AD - thanks to Xavi Ivars
Bugfix: Locale tr-TR
2006-02-22 v0.44
Update: The previous Gmail fix didn't work for everyone. This fix should do it.
2006-02-16 v0.43
Update: The previous Gmail fix removed 'Related pages', but not 'Sponsored links'. Now both are removed.
2006-02-16 v0.42
Update: Now, ONLY Gmail ads are removed (maps, collapse etc. are NOT removed).
Update: US weather links now also includes Weather.com and AccuWeather.com
Update: Locale de-DE - thanks to ReinekeFux
Update: Locale it-IT - thanks to Pedro
Update: Locale ca-AD - thanks to Xavi Ivars
Update: Locale es-ES - thanks to chuzo
Update: Locale tr-TR - thanks to shaman
Update: Locale cs-CZ - thanks to Tomas Marek
Update: Locale ru-RU - thanks to wiselord
2006-01-20 v0.41
Update: Gmail ads are removed again (actually everything in the right column is removed, including maps etc.)
Update: Locale zh-TW - thanks to Kai-Chieh Ku
Update: Locale cs-CZ - thanks to Tomas Marek
Update: Locale ca-AD - thanks to Xavi Ivars
Update: Locale tr-TR - thanks to ErkanKaplan, batuhancetin, Yavuz Kaynar
Update: Locale es-ES - thanks to Carlos Casti±eiras Garcφa
Update: Filtered URLs are now truncated if they are very long.
Added : Locale id-ID - thanks to Agung Harjanto
2005-12-09 v0.40
Update: Locale no-NB - thanks to Fredrik R°dland
Update: Locale de-DE - thanks to ReinekeFux
Bugfix: Some links didn't work after disabling clicktracking in web search
Bugfix: Links didn't get unescaped when containing arguments. This bug was in several Google services. Thanks to Marc-A. Zizka!
Bugfix: Inline weather links in web search didn't work under some circumstances
Update: Froogle 'Add links to other product search sites' is now working again
2005-11-28 v0.39
Update: Locale fr-FR - thanks to Eskimo
Update: Locale zh-CN - thanks to Argan Wang
Update: Locale zh-TW - thanks to salagadoola
Added : Remove Google Analytics (Urchin) cookies on all websites (disabled by default)
2005-11-18 v0.38
Bugfix: Google Suggest now also works with google.*/webhp
Update: CustomizeGoogle now works with Google Book Search (was Google Print)
2005-11-15 v0.37
Added : Locale nb-NO - thanks to Fredrik Rodland
Update: Locale de-DE - thanks to erweiterungen.de
Update: Locale ru-RU - thanks to Alex Osipov
Added : Option to add links from Google to your bookmark manager (disabled by default)
2005-11-07 v0.36
Bugfix: Remove ads from nonsecure Gmail should now be working. Thanks to Keeves.
Added : Added filter in newssearch (disabled by default)
Added : Remove Google click tracking in newssearch (enabled by default)
Added : Locale ru-RU - thanks to wiselord
2005-11-01 v0.35
Bugfix: Click tracking made some links unusable
Update: Google Suggest now works with Google Personal (www.google.com/ig)
2005-10-28 v0.34
Added : Locale da-DK - thanks to Anders Jorsal
Added : Locale pl-PL - thanks to Adam Kumiszcza
Added : CG now also works with Google Data centers ( ...)
Update: Improved the ad filter in Google Search
Update: Restored 'Add position counter' functionality in Search
Update: Restored 'Enable filters' functionality in Search
Update: Restored 'Add link to WayBackMachine' functionality in Search
Update: Restored 'Remove click tracking' functionality in Search
2005-10-27 v0.33
Update: Restored 'Add position counter' functionality in Search
Update: Restored 'Enable filters' functionality in Search
Update: Restored 'Add link to WayBackMachine' functionality in Search
Update: Restored 'Remove click tracking' functionality in Search
2005-10-27 v0.32
Bugfix: Some users experienced a problem with texts appearing in a different language
Bugfix: Some users experienced a problem with Google Reader
Update: Locale ja-JP
2005-10-26 v0.31
Added : CustomizeGoogle now works with Flock
Added : Locale lt-LT - thanks to Copper
Added : Google cache is usually disabled for Chinese people. Now it's not.
This only works when installing from http://www.customizegoogle.com/zh-CN/
Added : CustomizeGoogle also works with Google Special Searches http://www.google.com/options/specialsearches.html
Update: Restored 'Add links to other product search sites' functionality in Froogle
Update: Restored 'Remove ads' functionality in Froogle
Update: Restored 'Add links to other image/photo/art search sites' functionality in Images
2005-10-13 v0.30
Update: Several locales
Update: zh-CN - added Baidu
Update: All links now obey the Google preference: "Open search results in a new browser window", if set.
Bugfix: History links should not be urlencoded
Added : Locale pt-BR - thanks to Nighto
Added : Locale sk-SK - thanks to Viktor Kristian
2005-10-03 v0.29
Update: Several locales
Update: The result counter in search result is working again
Update: The code that removes Google Ads is updated (Google keeps changing their code)
Update: CG now also works with Firefox 1.6a1
Bugfix: CG now also works with this page http://www.google.com/webhp
Added : "Check for update" link added in CustomizeGoogle options
Added : Added support for different locale distributions of this extension (see www.customizegoogle.com)
2005-09-19 v0.28
Bugfix: The CustomizeGoogle Options window was locked under some circumstances in Firefox 1.5 Beta 1.
Update: CustomizeGoogle now also triggers on this kind of searches http://google.com?images?q=<search terms>
Update: The code that removes Google Ads is updated (again)
Added : Locale he-IL - thanks to Nir Bruner
Added : Locale sr-YU - thanks to Ljubisa Radovanovic
2005-09-09 v0.27
Update: Changed the location of the "CustomizeGoogle Settings..." option in the Tools menu
Update: "Remove Google click tracking" removes some new redirect links
Update: The code that removes Google Ads is updated (again)
Update: Several locales
Update: CustomizeGoogle now also works with Firefox 1.5 Beta 1
Added : Some, but not all, features of CustomizeGoogle now _also_ works with custom searches, example: http://shurl.org/google-custom-search
2005-08-30 v0.26
Update: Locale it-IT - thanks to Roccobot
Update: The code that removes Google Ads is improved
Added: Locale fi-FI - thanks to Toni Kaija
Bugfix: In a Froogle search with no results, links to competitors are now also visible
2005-08-23 v0.25
Added: Google Images Preference 'Open search results in a new browser window' is also used on links below the thumbnail.
Added: Remove Google click tracking in websearch (enabled by default)
Why? Because Google monitors people's search behaviour. More info:
Added: Locale cs-CZ - thanks to Tomas Marek
Added: Locale zh-TW - thanks to Kai-Chieh Ku
Update: Locale fr-FR - thanks to Mathieu
2005-08-17 v0.24
Bugfix: Google Suggest JavaScript created a Google Personal (www.google.com/ig) error. Now Google Suggest is disabled at Google Personal.
Added: Locale eu-ES (basque) - thanks to Piarres Beobide
Added: Locale fr-FR - thanks to Denis Devedjian and Mathieu (they made separate translations)
Added: Locale zh-CN - thanks to Kerry Wang
Added: Locale ca-AD - thanks to Xavi Ivars from the Catalan Mozilla Project
2005-07-14 v0.23
Added: Locale nl-NL and nl-BE
thanks to Ruben Verborgh
Bugfix: Fixed a JavaScript error related to filters and regexp.
2005-07-13 v0.22
Added: Locale es-ES and es-AR
thanks to Carlos/nave.escomposlinux.org and Rodrigo M. (both did separate translations)
Update: Locale it-IT
Bugfix: Options dialog is now working in Mac OS
2005-07-08 v0.21
Changed:Improved the translation of it-IT - thanks to Roccobot/eXtenZilla.it
Added: Support for more languages/countries.
ja-JP - thanks to Norah Marinkovic
Bugfix: Filter link was not added in some circumstances
Added: Link to WayBack Machine (webpage history) in web search results (disabled by default)
2005-07-05 v0.20.2
Added: Support for more languages/countries.
tr-TR - thanks to Shaman Miller
2005-06-28 v0.20.1
Added: Support for more languages/countries.
it-IT - thanks to Timendum
Removed:Logo in taskbar/menu
2005-06-27 v0.20
Added: Support for more languages/countries.
2005-06-23 v0.19.5
Bugfix: JavaScript error fixed.
2005-06-23 Changed the format of changelog (this file)
2005-06-21 Google change. Use mail.google.com
2005-06-15 Bugfix. Filters are now also working when Google redirects
2005-06-15 Compability problem with Greasemonkey extension fixed.
2005-06-14 Added option to focus on the search form automatically (off by default)
2005-06-14 Filtered websites are now greyed and without links in the search result.
2005-06-08 Added filter in websearch
2005-06-07 Fixed bug in http://www.google.*/ig
2005-05-30 Added disable ads in print.google.com
2005-05-30 Added options in the menu
2005-05-26 Added options for the Firefox extension
2005-05-23 Added support for Google Suggest at the Google Personalized home page: http://www.google.*/ig
2005-05-16 Added Google UID Anonymizer. This does not block your access to Google Account services. Read more http://www.imilly.com/google-cookie.htm
2005-05-16 Edited script for compability with æNo Sponsored LinksÆ-script. They overlap.
2005-05-13 Removed bugfix for footer appearing twice. That caused another bug
2005-04-25 Added code to skip showing the update script if SSL
2005-04-22 Bugfix. Footer was appearing twice. Now it should be fixed.
2005-04-20 Made the script smaller (if possible)
2005-04-15 Fixed compatibility problems with Firefox 1.0.3
2005-04-15 Made variables local
2005-04-08 Links to other web search sites should now also work with UTF-8 characters
2005-04-08 Added autocomplete=off for Google Suggest.
2005-03-31 Bugfix. 'Add links to other news search sites' is now working again
2005-03-31 Added two links to Origin Image & Origin Page in images.google.*. Thanks to Gehn WillowGlade.
2005-03-23 Bugfix. i18 for the toolbar page. Thanks to Chris Harper.
2005-03-23 Bugfix. i18 for news results should now be working. Thanks to Chris Harper.
2005-03-22 Added option to select country.
2005-03-22 Bugfix. Remove ads from secure Gmail should now be working. Thanks to Prakash Kailasa.
2005-03-22 Added links to point straight to the pictures in images.google.*. Original code by Patrick Cavit, http://patcavit.com
2005-03-22 Bugfix. AdBlock should no longer be blocking the script
2005-03-22 Added eBay to product searches.
2005-03-22 Added Altavista to web searches.
2005-03-22 Bugfix. Remove ads from google-groups.google.* should now be working.
2005-03-21 Added update notification
2005-03-21 Bugfix. Remove ads from local.google.* should be working now
2005-03-21 Added Google Suggest. Original code by Adrian Holovaty, http://www.holovaty.com/
2005-03-21 Always Secure Gmail (use https). Original code by Mark Wubben
2005-03-20 Remove ads from local.google.*
2005-03-20 Remove ads from gmail.google.*